The lines are less substantial than they seem.
So come with us and feel them part like fog.
It’s human nature to sort things neatly into boxes. It helps make the world manageable. But when we treat those dividing lines as impenetrable walls, we limit our understanding of each other and the world.
That’s why we like to poke at the walls. By learning, by educating, by spinning stories. Because more often than not, what seems separate is really connected. So follow us through the wall, into the fog, and start undividing the world.
Coming to consciousness over countryside pollution
Free serial fiction in your inbox
Ready & Waiting, the Foggy Outline email newsletter, goes out once a fortnight and alternates between Ready & Waiting.
The Ready edition is full of things you can use and enjoy right now – courses you can buy or take for free, videos to watch, podcasts to download, and new chapters of serial story A Net Too Wide To Break His Fall
The Waiting edition gives you a peek behind the scenes at the stories and courses we’re working on right now, which we aren’t ready to share with the world yet – but we’re happy to share with you, our subscribers
I Need A Miracle
Can any world survive a benevolent god?
Each episode, a prayer. Some prayers are answered. And every prayer granted can upend the world.
Presented by Foggy Outline and produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre, I Need A Miracle is our first original scripted audio drama podcast.