Read a story
Fiction transports us into the lives of others. Places we’ve never been, things we’ve never done, can become part of our experience and shape our way of thinking. Pick a story to read – and let it change you.
A Net Too Wide to Break His Fall
by Matt Boothman
Callum struggles not to fall through the cracks – easier said than done when no one can see or hear him without a person introduction.
Serialised in the Foggy Outline newsletter, July 2023–February 2025.
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Driving the Point Home
by Matt Boothman
A spellsmith forges a trick sword to teach a friend a lesson.
Originally published in Of The Sword, a micro-fiction anthology podcast that released a short story about a unique sword every day in September 2023.
1k words. Audio version available.
When a Crossroads is a corner
by Matt Boothman, writing as M. J. Starling
A prisoner faces off with a guard dog.
Apex Magazine Steal the Spotlight contest winner, November 2014.
250 words.
Dead Without Dying
by Matt Boothman, writing as M. J. Starling
A woman with a seriously long-term ambition seeks out the secret of longevity.
Originally published in AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review, April 2012.
2k words.
Thorndyke’s Folly
by Matt Boothman, writing as M. J. Starling
A man dreams himself into his past to save his – maybe everyone’s – future.
Originally published in Reflection’s Edge, September 2009.
5.5k words.