Deja Vu, Act Ten

The ensemble attempt to form allegiances with old enemies, but are everyone’s motives exactly what they seem?

Programme notes

The Society of London Theatre and UK Theatre have come up with a plan to defend our theatres from more closures and redundancies. They’ve submitted the plan to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, but we need to help them make it a priority for the government. If you’re in the UK, and you like theatre like we like theatre, please consider writing to your MP and asking them to pay attention to the plan and make sure we still have a place to see and stage creative performance after lockdown. makes it easy.

Our promo this episode is for Brits On Bikes, our friends from the UK & Ireland TTRPG Podcasters community.

Season credits

STARRING Ellie Pitkin, Alex Pankhurst, Josh Yard and Dave; Chris Starkey, Chris Buxey and Chris; Helen Stratton, Ellen Gould, Natalie Winter and Strat as themselves (sort of) (various)

SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES BY Ellie Pitkin as Nia and The Space Jam Continuum podcast’s Chris MacLennan as CANDICE

GAME DESIGNED AND RUN BY Matt Boothman, using the Powered by the Apocalypse engine

MUSIC BY Matt Boothman


IN ASSOCIATION WITH Blackshaw Theatre Company

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