Ellen the Maker (Prospero & Viola Backstage)

Ellen the Maker (Prospero & Viola Backstage)
Matt Boothman

She planned to play it safe. In the wilderness, she’ll learn to live dangerously. Get to know Ellen as she completes her character sheet.

Our promo this episode is for Penance RPG, fellow member of the UK & Ireland Tabletop RPG Podcasters community. They play various roleplaying game systems, but always with the principle of giving the players total free rein to act as they like.

Season credits

STARRING Strat, Starkey, Nat, Josh, Ellen, Vikki, Alex and Dave as themselves (sort of)


GAME DESIGNED AND RUN BY Matt, using the Powered by the Apocalypse engine

IN ASSOCIATION WITH Blackshaw Theatre Company (blackshawtheatre.wordpress.com)

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