Vigil: The Great Fire, Act 3

Act Three of Five: In which the hunters take a pawn or two, and move into position for checkmate.

Coming next on 9 May – Replay: Let’s Get Gideon (Backstage)

Programme notes

This production contains violence (including gun violence), possession, and death by fire.

By some counts, this is our 250th episode! If you’ve enjoyed any of those 250 episodes, would you be willing to leave us a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, or wherever you listen?

Pitch submissions are open until 15 May for Interactive Soup, a community funding event for interactive performance taking place in London on 13 June. How would you use £200-£250 to benefit an interactive performance, or the interactive performance community?

Our promo this episode is for What Am I Rolling?, a twice-monthly RPG one-shot podcast, hosted by gamemaster, Fiona. Every month, Fiona takes a brand new group of players and runs them through a one-shot adventure, testing out a different RPG game style or system.

Dramatis personae and other definitions

Persephone ‘Percy’ Byron: A Victorian monster hunter and half-sister of Ada Lovelace. Percy tried to time travel from 1852 to 1666 to stop the summoning of an apocalyptic demon, but something went wrong, and she landed in present-day Sherrydown instead.

Mick Mason: Sherrydown’s favourite builder and bricklayer. His life has been getting weirder since he dug too deep and hit a leyline.

Brier: A mischievous shapeshifting púca, the fae guardian of Sherrydown’s Rosebrier Forest.

Ed Kincaid: a once promising, now disgraced MI5 agent assigned to investigate the more … esoteric threats reported to the national security hotline.

Department of Omissions (DO, DoOm): The UK government department tasked with preventing harm to citizens from supernatural phenomena. Severely defunded under Tory austerity policies and currently prioritising major urban population centres.

Sherrydown, Brackshire: A historic English market town. One of the first towns to lose its DoOm office.

Omission effect: The rejection of certain beings and phenomena by long-term memory. Can be suppressed by concentration, mnemonic techniques, hypnosis, trauma, or the light of the full moon.


COMPERE: Matt Boothman


  • Ellie Pitkin as Percy Byron, the Exile

  • Dave as Mick, the Mundane

  • Strat as Brier, the Monstrous

  • Chris MacLennan as Kincaid, the Professional

ROLEPLAYING GAME SYSTEM: Monster of the Week, designed by Michael Sands

MUSIC BY: Alexander Pankhurst

SOUND DESIGN BY: Matt Boothman

SFX AND INCIDENTAL MUSIC INCLUDES: Ritual by Kevin MacLeod (CC BY 4.0); and may include others made available to use without attribution.


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