Act Two of Five: Gwynned seeks out eyewitnesses (and nose-, foot- and tail-witnesses). Graham and Renko follow their noses.
Coming next on 25 March – Vigil: Ill Wind, Act 3
Programme notes
This production contains fantasy violence, retching sounds, toxic friendship, and betrayal.
The Re: Dracula team’s audio drama adaptation of Carmilla, the classic vampire novel by J Sheridan Le Fanu (Sherrydown’s namesake), is in progress over on the Re: Dracula podcast feed.
Dramatis personae and other definitions
Renko: A DoOm agent assigned to Sherrydown, furloughed since the office closed.
Gwynned, the Shieldmaiden: A former shieldmaiden of the triple goddess Morrigan, exiled to live as a duck for the crime of saving a mortal man from her mistress’ cruel whim, now freed from her curse and elevated to a third of the godhead herself.
Graham: The demon equivalent of an accountant, summoned to Earth in error and now trying to make the best of it. He is destined to bring about the Apocalypse.
Peggy Tailor: The prodigal daughter of a local family that dabbles in fey frolicking and organised crime, back in town to lay low after a grift gone horribly wrong.
Jess Butterworth: A twenty-something shift worker, Sherrydown born and bred. While working the tarot tent at Amazement Park, she was approached by Kit, a being claiming to be her spirit guide.
Department of Omissions (DO, DoOm): The UK government department tasked with preventing harm to citizens from supernatural phenomena. Severely defunded under Tory austerity policies and currently prioritising major urban population centres.
Sherrydown, Brackshire: A historic English market town. One of the first towns to lose its DoOm office.
Omission effect: The rejection of certain beings and phenomena by long-term memory. Recently lifted.
COMPERE: Matt Boothman
Vikki as Renko, the Flake
Natalie Winter as Gwynned, the Divine
Alexander Pankhurst as Graham, the Summoned
Ellie Pitkin as Peggy Tailor, the Crooked
with Ellen Gould as Jess Butterworth
ROLEPLAYING GAME SYSTEM: Monster of the Week, designed by Michael Sands
MUSIC BY: Alexander Pankhurst
SOUND DESIGN BY: Matt Boothman
SFX AND INCIDENTAL MUSIC INCLUDES: pigeons taking off by Glaneur de sons on; Virtutes Instrumenti by Kevin McLeod (, licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 License; and may include others made available to use without attribution.